The long term goal

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

what's new

here we are, less than two months away.  can't believe it!  really trying to bust my ass with these workouts.  sunday morning i had a great run, 3.85 miles!  ran the whole time, longest run i've done so far.  i was pretty shocked i did it, and kept up a nice pace the whole time.  finally the running is getting easier.  today i really wanted to get a bike/run in outside, but the weather was so wacky that i ended up doing it at the gym.  i prefer to be out but not much i can do about that, gotta get the workouts in no matter what.  so 11.2 miles in 50 mins on the bike and then 2.3 miles on the treadmill, running the whole time.  feeling pretty good, my endurance is definitely improving, and i've lost a couple more pounds.  still getting nervous as hell though.  i keep thinking i could've done more, done better, etc etc.  but whatever, not trying to win it, just be in it.  

i've started this new diet called the ABS diet.  its not really a diet, just changing the way you eat.  its supposed to stress improving your metabolism and removing belly fat first, which from a medical standpoint is apparently the most unhealthy place for fat to settle and remain.  a lot of smoothies which i love anyway, and very healthy eating, stresses a lot of lean meats, fish, veggies, berries, beans and nuts.  just very natural and good for you.  tried out a few recipes and so far they are great!  what's good is its getting me cooking better meals.  i am the laziest cook ever, because i really don't enjoy it.  but i am actually enjoying this, and there are so many different combinations you can do so its not that high maintenance.  and the best part is the diet actually encourages one cheat meal a week!  love that :)  anyways, just thought i'd share that.  

tomorrow is a swim/weights day, thurs biking and hopefully i can get outside, friday denise.  weekends usually i do running and biking.  enjoy your week!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

just one more post....

apparently i love to hear myself talk because i'm not really cutting back like i said lol.  but today was a significant day for a couple of reasons, and i feel i need to talk about them.  number 1, i rode the entire bike distance, 18 miles, for the first time today.  i had come close, but never the whole 18 miles.  actually i went 18.6 miles.  i was pretty beat when i was done, did a lot of hills so it was a tough but good ride.  and more importantly i'm getting more confident on the road, not as scared as i used to be.  it took me about an hour and 20 mins, which is way under disqualification time.  it does seem weird to me that you have 2 hours to bike, seems like a really long time.  maybe they give you extra time in case your tire blows out or something.  whatever, as long as i am under!  

secondly, i was pretty emotional this morning.  call me a crazy mommy, but today was abby's last day of pre-school and i was so sad!  i cried in the car before dropping her off, and the whole way home!  i am going to be a hot mess at her graduation tomorrow.  anyways, part of my sadness was that she is growing up, you know, my baby is getting so big so fast.  but the other part was while most people get to do it again with another child, i do not :(  i love abby with all my heart, but i'd be lying if i said it doesn't upset me that i don't have another kiddie to share the same moments and experiences with.  i feel sad for her too that all her friends have brothers and sisters, she talks about it sometimes.   anyways, nothing can be done about that right now, but it was how i was feeling today so an important thing to talk about.  thankfully i went right out for my bike ride when i got home, so no emotional eating today.  yay.  

well guess thats it.  hope i make it through tomorrow without too many tears :)


i received a compliment from a very good friend yesterday.  she told me i have inspired her to start running, and now her husband is running too.  that made me feel soooo good, i can't even tell you!  to think that I actually inspired someone else, is the ultimate paying it forward.  i was inspired in the beginning by a couple of different people, and i'm happy to do it for others.  even my neighbor, who used to be a big runner but hasn't run in a few years, told me recently that she started running again and wants to do races with me.  very exciting!  its also good because the more people around me that are involved in fitness the more it keeps me going, and the harder it becomes to slack off.  its that competitive thing in me.  and how can i stop what i'm doing, when i've helped someone else to get moving??  the last thing i want to do is inspire someone to be an over-eating couch potato :)

yesterday was a lighter day, just ran on the treadmill for about 30 mins before abby's swim lesson.  running is starting to get a tad bit easier, which i'm thankful for.  its weird that despite these early morning wake-ups i'm not crazy tired during the day.  i'm thinking its gotta catch up to me eventually.  and that's why i have cases of red bull in my pantry!

Monday, June 6, 2011

ups and downs

well it's getting closer and closer!  only 61 days now, tomorrow it will be 2 months exactly.  holy crap did that fly by.  so i'm up ass early again, this time it was like 5:50.  just ridiculous.  i seriously can't understand it.  i'm like an 80 year old.  i always thought that if you were more active during the day, you sleep better at night.  its having the reverse effect!  

been keeping up with my workouts really well.  ran great on friday, little over 3 miles but didn't stop the entire way.  saturday i took a spin class and sweat my ass off which was awesome, i miss the spin classes so much!  i would really like to try and fit one in at least once a week, its just hard with all the other workouts.  and i'm really doing a lot outside now, i'm actually hardly at the Y now unless i'm swimming or with denise.  all my runs and biking are outside now.  everyone there must think i'm slacking off!  yesterday i swam and did a total body class (toning).  trying to incorporate more weights as well to build up my strength and tone more.  i like muscles.  so of course its a lot, i feel like there's just not enough time in the week to get it all in sometimes.  only two more months and then i can go back to regular working out, take more classes. i miss the variety of those too. that's ok though, i still think this was the best decision for me, to do this tri, it forced me into taking better care of myself and a regular exercise routine.  and i do think it's going to be a lot of fun.  so no matter how difficult it has been at times, i'm really glad i am doing it.  

as far as my weight loss, still struggling.  the summer is just the hardest time to lose weight.  weekends we're down the shore, or out somewhere.  and its just so easy to be bad.  like friday night mike and i went out to dinner, then saturday we took abby to point pleasant.  i don't even pig out, but i just don't have the leeway i used to when i was younger!  every little naughty morsel sets me back.  i went down to 179 as i said before, but then was back up 2, down 1, up 1, etc etc etc.  now this AM i'm back to 179.  i have to concentrate on having really good weeks, so if the weekends are a little crazy, it won't mess me up that much.  biggest thing is i just can't let it get me down.  it just sucks because i feel like i am trying, not like i'm going out to fast food every day.  guess its just the age haha, 36 is sooo old ;)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

nothing really

i was thinking about how this blog has gone for me, and it has helped me get through some difficult times, writing about my issues was a great way to deal with things and help me figure stuff out.  but now i feel like i've made it through the toughest part, and writing about every workout is just boring.  so i think i'm going to start doing a weekly re-cap, unless something earth shattering happens that i must write about during the middle of the week!  

i really don't have much else to say other than that, ttys