The long term goal

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

what's new

here we are, less than two months away.  can't believe it!  really trying to bust my ass with these workouts.  sunday morning i had a great run, 3.85 miles!  ran the whole time, longest run i've done so far.  i was pretty shocked i did it, and kept up a nice pace the whole time.  finally the running is getting easier.  today i really wanted to get a bike/run in outside, but the weather was so wacky that i ended up doing it at the gym.  i prefer to be out but not much i can do about that, gotta get the workouts in no matter what.  so 11.2 miles in 50 mins on the bike and then 2.3 miles on the treadmill, running the whole time.  feeling pretty good, my endurance is definitely improving, and i've lost a couple more pounds.  still getting nervous as hell though.  i keep thinking i could've done more, done better, etc etc.  but whatever, not trying to win it, just be in it.  

i've started this new diet called the ABS diet.  its not really a diet, just changing the way you eat.  its supposed to stress improving your metabolism and removing belly fat first, which from a medical standpoint is apparently the most unhealthy place for fat to settle and remain.  a lot of smoothies which i love anyway, and very healthy eating, stresses a lot of lean meats, fish, veggies, berries, beans and nuts.  just very natural and good for you.  tried out a few recipes and so far they are great!  what's good is its getting me cooking better meals.  i am the laziest cook ever, because i really don't enjoy it.  but i am actually enjoying this, and there are so many different combinations you can do so its not that high maintenance.  and the best part is the diet actually encourages one cheat meal a week!  love that :)  anyways, just thought i'd share that.  

tomorrow is a swim/weights day, thurs biking and hopefully i can get outside, friday denise.  weekends usually i do running and biking.  enjoy your week!

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