The long term goal

Monday, April 4, 2011


finally get a chance to write something!  lots going on, and i just get so tired at night that i can't even think straight!  so yesterday was a big day....had a mini-triathalon at the Y, which was 10 laps, 6 mile bike and 2 mile run.  they timed each part and added your time together.  you could do any style of swim you wanted, so in order to get a better time i alternated between front crawl and backstroke.  did that in 8:58.  which is ok, i probably could've done it faster, i was concerned about saving energy for the bike and run.  not that i went slow, but its possible i could've done it in a little better time.  i can't remember my exact bike time, i know i did it in around 25 mins, and my run was 25:46.  so overall pretty good, in total i did it in under an hour.  the results of the competition were supposed to be posted today, there are some kind of prizes for the top 3 females and top 3 males.  i went this afternoon to work out and kept poking my nose into denise's office while she was working on the times (probably driving her crazy) but they weren't done yet.  so i hope they are posted tomorrow, i am dying to know how i did.  i did well on the run part, ran the whole time, and kept upping my speed.  and of course denise came over at the end and put it up even more!  i felt like that was cheating a bit on her part but whatever, hopefully it helped!  had fun doing it, was very sore last night!  so glad i have four more months before the real deal....i'm going to need it.  august is going to be tough!  the weather needs to get nice so i can get outside to bike and run.  gotta get used to that, and sooner than later would be better.  

anyways, today was an easy day, just something to keep my muscles from getting stiff since i was still sore from yesterday.  tomorrow swim day and wednesday denise!!  

couple of emotional moments.  one was at abby's t-ball game on saturday, my MIL took a picture of me, abby and mike.  when i looked at the picture i was so disappointed to see how big i still looked.  i mean, i dont know why i was expecting something else, i know how much i still weigh, and being 5'1'' of course i am going to look like that.  its weird because i feel a lot different, going down a size in clothing, feeling smaller, but i am certainly not going to look skinny yet.  guess that just sucks.  but its fine, i have to stay realistic and just take the results as they come.....despite how sloooowwwww they are.  ok, well friggin tired as usual so time to go.  night.  

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