the following is a note i posted on facebook feb. 16th, publicly announcing my foray into the world of triathalon training. a way to help keep me accountable. you can’t tell a bunch of people you’re doing something that big and then not do it. you’d look like a total jackass. it took me a while to tell people, i think i registered for the event in the beginning of january. needed to build up the confidence a bit first. and now i’m starting a blog. this way people can check out my progress if they want, and i don’t have to bombard my fb status with this stuff. and its mostly a way for me to talk about the highs and lows of this whole process. thanks for reading!
so in a moment of desperation and depression about my weight, i have decided there's no better way to get yourself motivated than to do something completely crazy that you can't back down from. and thanks to an old friend (yes, you betsy!) i have registered for a triathalon in august, which i am training my ass off for. today i am off to the Y to swim laps, which i haven't done in....ummm....ever. even better, i detest public pools, and even more, myself in a bathing suit. so this ought to make for an interesting morning! encouraging comments, please :)